
Save on water, collect some rain

If you live in an area with a rainy season, and you want to try to capture it, looking into a rain collection system might be up your ally. They can come in many different sizes, ranging from a simple barrel under a downspout, to a more advanced system. You can use water that would have been wasted for many all sorts of uses. Anything from watering your plants to watering animals, it’s a great way to make use of water that would have otherwise be wasted.

a simple rain collection system

The simple

If you are looking for something simple, we would recommend finding a clean 55-gallon food-grade barrel. You can find one at our shop, or at any industrial supply company. Then all you have to do is connect a hose valve to the drum, so you can use the water, and then connect it to your down spout. You can find more information about doing it your self over in our blog section.

a simple rain collection system

The complex

If you are looking for something more advance, feel free to contact us. We can offer a system to collect rainwater for a sprinkler system. We also offer mass water storage, with in built treatment options so you can have an off the grid clean water supply. This is a great option in places where the water supply might not be questionable.

The benfits of rain barrels

You might ask yourself what some of the benefits are of collecting rain, and not just letting it soke into the ground. For one, it can help slow down erosion that happens near downspouts. It can also help to conserve water, as you can save the rain for when it is dry, and you need to water. A word of warning, if you are planning to drink it, make sure you have some sort of treatment plan in place, as the water might have picked up toxins from your roof.