Learn something new
Rain barrels
This great guide by the youtuber Alberta Urban Garden explains the ins and outs of how to install a rain barrel system to your house. He covers everything from picking the spot, to how to hook up two barrels together.
Connected to the grid solar
This guide by FrugalRepair goes over the basics of how to install solar panels. It gives a primer on everything that you will need to know to install your own solar system. He also has a written guide if the video is not your cup of tea. He covers the permits that you need to get for your install.
Hybrid solar system
This great video series by FarmCraft101 shows how you can add batteries to your grid connected solar system, allowing you to run your house even if the power is out. You should check your local regulations before doing this as in some places it might be against the rules to do this. It will walk you through everything that you need to know about setting up a hybrid solar system.
Wildflower Garden
This video series by Lee Burkhill will walk you through the steps that it takes to plant your own wildlife garden. He explains the benefits that having a wildflower garden can have on the environment. The video series goes over everything from planning out the garden, to how to cut back the meadow and when the to do that. It is a great watch if you want to see what it takes to plant you own wildlife garden.
Why lawns are bad
This video by The Good Stuff explains how the US became obsessed with lawns. The video also does a good job of explaining why lawns are bad for the environment. If you are on the fence about getting rid of your lawn, you should watch this video.